Hybrid Power Takes New Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E to New Level of Performance

Mercedes has embraced electrification in all its forms, and that means some good things are coming from its performance brand, AMG, starting with the 2023 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance model which, the automaker suggests, “draw(s) upon technologies from Formula 1.”

Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance - beauty shot
Mercedes continues its expansion into electrification with the new AMG GT 63 S E Performance model.

By pairing a twin-turbocharged 4.0-liter V-8 with an electric motor mounted on the rear axle, AMG’s first performance hybrid punches out some big numbers: 831 horsepower and more than 1,033 pound-feet of torque.

“With the new Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance, we are transporting our brand DNA into an electrified future,” said AMG Board Chairman Philipp Schiemer. “In doing so, we are following our own technical path, which is what has always made AMG so special and desirable.”

If the basic powertrain specs aren’t impressive enough, consider the fact that the hybrid version of the AMG GT will hit 60 mph in a mere 2.9 seconds, and 125 mph in less than 10. It tops out at 197 mph.

Taking some cues from Formula 1

Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance - rear 3-4

With a 0-60 mph time of 2.9 seconds and the ability to hit 125 mph in just 10 seconds, this is likely the view most will see.

The GT 63 S E is actually a plug-in hybrid, though there’s not much of a battery to work with, a modest 6.1 kilowatt-hour lithium-ion pack that, if it matters to you, will yield about seven miles in all-electric mode. The reality is that this hybrid is designed to deliver on the performance end, and if it happens to yield a bit better mileage and lets you run to the corner store without sipping any fuel at all, so be it.

“The layout with the combustion engine at the front and Electric Drive Unit on the rear axle offers numerous advantages,” said Jochen Hermann, AMG’s technical chief. “The optimized weight distribution, best possible utilization of torque and the very fast power delivery promise driving dynamics at the highest level. Added to this is the high-performance battery developed in-house, which has twice the power density of conventional drive batteries and, like many other components, is inspired by technology from Formula 1.”

In fact, the GT 63 S E Performance should satisfy those who expect hybrids to add environmental benefits, the automaker noting in a news release that, “the development team was also able to improve the efficiency of the entire vehicle in parallel — and achieve lower emissions as well as lower consumption.”

Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance - powertrain

The newest hybrid from Mercedes puts out 831 horsepower and more than 1,030 pound-feet of torque.

The program, was developed in-house at AMG’s Affalterbach operations. And it ushers in a future that will be focused, increasingly, on electrified drivetrain technologies, both hybrid and pure battery-electric offerings.

AMG goes electric

In July, when Mercedes-Benz CEO Ola Källenius laid out the parent company’s broad electrification strategy, officials revealed that the auto company is acquiring British-based startup YASA. The new acquisition developed a completely new high-performance motor design, called an axial flux, that will be used in future electric AMG models.

The new GT 63 S hybrid doesn’t use the YASA motor but the electrified portion of the sports car’s drivetrain alone still manages to deliver 201 hp and 236 lb-ft of torque through a 2-speed gearbox. At peak power, it spins up to 13,500 rpm. And while it is mounted on the rear axle, a modified version of the AMG Performance 4Matic system lets that torque be shifted to the front wheels, if needed.

Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance - interior

Inspired by Formula 1, it’s still not a Mercedes without an impressive interior.

The electric motor isn’t the only trick Mercedes is bringing to production with the 2023 Mercedes-AMG GT 63 S E Performance model. The two twin-scroll turbochargers also have been electrified. While they still rely on exhaust gases to reach maximum boost, the system effectively eliminates dreaded turbolag by using electric motors to start them spinning immediately.

As with more conventional versions of the GT, AMG buyers will be able to adjust a variety of vehicle setting using the Dynamic Select system. That includes an EV mode. They’ll also be able to adjust the regenerative settings of the ceramic high-performance composite brake system. Level 3 should allow One-Pedal driving in many situations, drivers able to adapt to the flow of traffic simply by modulating the throttle. Race mode, however, dials that back slightly.

Flexibility for the future

The basic design of the GT 63’s electrified drivetrain is modular in nature. That means it can be sized up or down, depending upon application. On some models, that could mean smaller motors and a larger battery pack to put more emphasis on all-electric range.

The specs Mercedes-AMG is releasing come days ahead of the GT 63 hybrid’s formal debut at next week’s Munich Motor Show. And they’re actually for the European version of the new model. The performance brand says U.S. specifications will come closer to launch — which is expected sometime in 2022.

Q&A: Green Car Pioneer Ron Cogan Offers Sage Insights

Green Car Journal Publisher Ron Cogan at the 2020 Green Car Awards. He’s been covering the shift to environmentally friendly vehicles for three decades.

The automobile has transformed we live, work and play. Unfortunately, it’s also had a seriously detrimental impact on Planet Earth. And now, as it becomes more crucial to address issues like climate change, the automobile is in the crosshairs.

That’s a message many have come to just lately. Not Ron Cogan. The veteran automotive journalist was among the first to recognize the need to clean up the car, in 1992 launching Green Car Journal. Where some have focused exclusively on electrified vehicles, pure battery-electric models, in particular, Cogan and his magazine have looked at all the various green car technologies that have come — and, in many cases, gone — during the past three decades.

The latest issue of Green Car Journal focuses specifically on battery-electric vehicles. But, as is Cogan’s style, it takes a pragmatic, even somewhat skeptical, look at this potentially game-changing technology, recognizing there are still many challenges to be overcome before BEVs can clearly replace the time-tested internal combustion engine.

Cogan spoke to TheDetroitBureau.com about his years covering the green car world and what he sees coming in the years ahead.

Cogan’s enjoyed a front-row seat, watching and writing about the shift from ICE-powered vehicles to electrified models in the U.S.

TheDetroitBureau: These days, everyone is writing about electric vehicles but you’ve been at this for a long time, haven’t you? And don’t you take something of a broader look when it comes to environmentally friendly vehicles?

Ron Cogan: Green Car Journal, which launched in 1992, has been all about options, everything that’s happening in the green space, whether it’s methanol, ethanol and natural gas, even high fuel-efficiency gasoline. Now, there’s a huge push towards electrification. It wasn’t our call to tell people what to drive. With our 30th birthday coming up we wanted to let people read different opinions from industry leaders.

TDB: We now have General Motors CEO Mary Barra setting a transition to all-electric vehicles and announcing a second battery plant. Is this the year of the tipping point for battery-electric vehicles?

Cogan: I would agree there’s a tipping point going on in the sense that there’s a major commitment by a lot of automakers. It’s gone beyond lip service. For the industry, the tipping point is here. The question is whether it is a consumer tipping point yet. Only so many people are willing to step up to pure electric vehicles. More see a hybrid as the way to go because it’s so seamless, and some to plug-in hybrids. But have we reached a tipping point for consumers? I’m not so sure.

Cogan notes that hybrids provide a level of convenience that pure EVs cannot.

TDB: Yet BEVs do seem to be gaining a lot of momentum.

Cogan: Well, the range issues is being overcome to a large degree, But even with 250 miles, on a long trip you have to plan ahead (to find places to charge), which is why I think plug-in hybrids are going to be pretty huge. When you can’t plug in you’re not limited, so I think that category is really going to expand. With a plug-in you can do everyday driving in electric but switch to internal combustion when you have to go farther. I think it’s a win-win. And it will get more people into buying electric vehicles.

TDB: I find that the best way to promote electric vehicles is to get people into electric vehicles. They’re often surprised by the performance, for one thing.

Cogan: Yeah, today’s electric vehicles are pretty amazing given what they offer — everything a combustion vehicle can offer and more. The launch in an electric vehicle can be pretty exciting and some companies, like Tesla, are keying in on that, talking about how they can beat a Ferrari on track and all that. I think that’s surprising a lot of people.

Cogan is quick to note that EVs are not the only way to improve the efficiency of vehicles. His publication’s honored several diesels.

TDB: I have more and more people asking if this is the right time to buy an electric vehicle. Many worry that, like with an iPhone, if they buy today something better will soon come out and they’ll regret it. What would you tell them?

Cogan: The technology, the range, all of that will improve over time, as will the cost which will continue to go down incrementally. So, it’s a tough question. If you find the right vehicle that appeals to you, it makes sense, go ahead and buy the vehicle. There are some great choices out there now and there are going to be more coming up. The jump to 250 miles (which most new BEVs are offering) is huge and there are going to be more and more charging stations coming online. True, the nature of it is that there’s always going to be something better. But do you never buy an electric vehicle because of that?

TDB: Doesn’t that make an argument for leasing, rather than buying? You can move to something newer and better in a few years — and not worry about trade-in values.

Cogan: I think leasing is the ideal way to go with electric vehicles. It means you don’t have to take as much of a risk. You know what your payments are. You know when you’re going to turn it in. And then, you can move on to the next generation of electric vehicles. Leasing takes the risk out.

Green Car Publisher Ron Cogan, Chevy Marketing Director Steve Mojoras and the 2016 Volt, which was honored by the Green Car Awards.

TDB: Let’s talk about batteries — in particular, next-generation batteries. Honda, Ford and others are all talking about solid-state batteries (which supposedly will be lighter, deliver longer range and shorter charging times and even reduce the risk of fire). Are they real? And will they live up to expectations?

Cogan: It seems that if solid-state comes close to all the promises it would put BEVs over the top, making all the difference in the world. Solid-state, from what we hear, is the ideal technology.

TDB: What would you estimate will be the BEV share of the market by 2030? And could it be even bigger than people are forecasting now?

Cogan: It’s tough to make a prediction, and I try to avoid that. But automakers and other interests are pushing for them and there’s a lot of interest in setting up a nationwide rapid charging network. All of that takes us in the direction where we know there’s going to be significantly more electric vehicles sold by then. But many things could influence the fate of gasoline vehicles. How’s the price of gas? If gas prices stay low there’ll be less incentive for electric vehicles. Technology will influence things. A recession could, as well. Legislation clearly will have an influence, especially if it’s a disincentive to drive on gasoline.

Honda has been at the forefront of fuel-cell vehicles with the Clarity.

TDB: On the subject of politics, the Biden administration wants to have 500,000 charging stations in place by 2030. Could that mean a faster growth rate for electric?

Cogan: If we get the range to drive on battery like you would on gasoline and you have a network of rapid chargers, suddenly, your functionality is increased exponentially. But there’s no way yet to know if the government is going to create (that public charging network). Administrations change. Agendas change. So, I don’t put stock into what you can count on as far as legislation matters.

TDB: But the Biden administration is clearly making a lot of proposals to promote electric vehicles. Do you like what you’re seeing?

Cogan: Yeah, as far as I can tell. I mean, we’re going to see how this all unfolds. This administration has a more proactive agenda for environmental issues in general and clean cars, specifically, than the previous administration. But I have to say you can’t always count on that. Back under the Obama administration, he wanted a million electric vehicles by 2015. It was never going to happen because there weren’t enough vehicles to make it happen. (But) I look at all of these things (Biden is proposing) as positive … a direction that seems to make sense for electrified vehicles.

Cogan drove a GM EV1 for a full year.

TDB: You started publishing Green Car Journal in 1992. Looking back on the last three decades, what were biggest surprises, the things you didn’t count on early on?

Cogan: One of the milestones was the debut of the GM Impact prototype and then the actual production of the GM EV1, I drove one of those for a year. It was an amazing car to be in on the evolution of electric vehicles. It was also interesting to note how hydrogen was big and then (see automakers) backpedaling, Now they’re interested in hydrogen again. It’s gaining momentum again.

One of the (other) things that surprises me is that we’re seeing such a push for electrification, at the extreme high end of both luxury vehicles and sports cars and exotics.


TDB: To wrap up, is the age of the internal combustion engine coming to an end?

Cogan: I don’t think you can discount internal combustion because it keeps getting better and better. And I don’t think you can discount hybrids and plug-in hybrids and focus just on battery-electric vehicles. Those are all a big part of the solution. It may have narrowed from when we started publishing. It’s no longer really about ethanol and natural gas and propane. It’s really about electrification and significantly more efficient internal combustion engines — and a combination of the two. It’s going to be even more exciting in the years ahead seeing how it will play out.

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Shootout in Shanghai: A Roundup of the Hottest New Products Debuting at the Shanghai Auto Show

Auto Shanghai 2021 show floor

A little bit of normalcy in what is still a topsy turvy world, Auto Shanghai has plenty of new models.

While big auto shows have been put on indefinite hold in the U.S., Europe and much of the rest of the world due to the coronavirus, the industry got back to a sense of normal in China this week with the media days opener at the Shanghai Auto Show.

Reflecting the size of what is now the world’s largest automotive market, the event brought out scores of new and substantially updated products from both domestic Chinese brands, as well as from the foreign-owned marques still dominating the market.

As has become the case worldwide, there is a heavy emphasis on electrified vehicles in Shanghai, from conventional hybrids to pure battery-electric vehicles. But there are plenty of conventionally powered models. And one Chinese automaker even launched an all-new off-road SUV sub-brand.

Plenty of offerings at the show

Audi A6 e-tron concept Shanghai

Audi A6 e-tron concept

Here’s a roundup of some of the most important product announcements from the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show:

Audi. The German luxury brand is a big player in the Chinese market and Audi hopes to gain even more ground with a mix of new and updated models. One of its most significant introductions in Shanghai is the A6 e-tron concept. While just a show car, for now, a production version of this low-slung battery sedan is in the works. It will help Audi meet China’s tough New Energy Vehicle mandate calling for 25% of sales to use plug-in or all-electric drive by 2025. The automaker also revealed the new Q4 e-tron and Q4 Sportback e-tron, as well as a stretched version of the familiar Audi A7 fastback.


BMW. One of the worst-kept secrets in Shanghai was the “surprise” debut of the production version of the BMW iX. With its controversial take on the brand’s familiar double-kidney grille, the iX will serve as the flagship of BMW’s rapidly expanding line-up of battery-electric vehicles. Set to go on sale in China, North America and Europe next year, the iX uses a new modular architecture that will underpin a broad range of BMW BEVs. The automaker says it will deliver “more than” 500 horsepower and hit 60 in less than 5 seconds in its top trim using the new eDrive technology.

BMW iX - driving



Buick. Buick was one of the very earliest foreign entries into the Chinese market and remains a major player. It has several new models making their debuts on the Shanghai show floor this year, starting with the Envision Plus. It’s an extended version of the small Envision SUV — gaining 7 inches in length and 2 inches in height — that Buick already exports to the U.S. No word if the Plus will reach North America, as well. Also new, the Verano Pro is a “premium family sedan” aimed at younger Chinese buyers. It features a relatively conventional exterior paired with a decidedly high-tech cabin.


Cadillac. Parent General Motors says it wants to halt production of gas and diesel vehicles by 2035. The U.S. luxury brand aims to reach that target five years earlier — and the Lyriq will be the first step in the process. A prototype was unveiled online last August. It will hold a place on the Shanghai stand until later this week when Cadillac plans to reveal the actual production version of the all-electric SUV. The midsize Lyriq will use GM’s new Ultium batteries and electric vehicle architecture that will be shared with a broad range of other, upcoming BEVs.

Cadillac Lyriq


Citroen. The French automaker is billing its new C5 X as something of a Swiss Army knife, claiming it “combines the best attributes of a sedan, a station wagon and an SUV.” The vehicle will be offered both in gas and plug-in hybrid forms, the last helping the automaker meet strict new Chinese electrification mandates. The C5 X and C5 X Hybrid will be produced solely at a joint venture plant in Chengdu operated by parent Stellantis and Chinese partner Dongfeng for export to Europe and other markets.


Ford. There’s plenty of buzz about a potential crossover that could bring back the Fusion badge, which Ford abandoned when it dropped its passenger car line-up in the States. While that plan has yet to be confirmed, the automaker did reveal the new Evos in Shanghai, a sporty, coupe-like crossover that is widely expected to find a place in Europe and North America, as well as in China. The five-door could replace the European Mondeo sedan and, speculation suggests, might push aside the stodgy Edge crossover in the U.S. and Canada. Ford also debuted the new Equator, a more conventional SUV.


Zeekr 001 Shanghai Auto Show 2021

Zeekr 001

Geely. The fast-growing domestic Chinese brand has launched an entirely new, all-electric sub-brand, Zeekr. It gets off the ground with a midsize station wagon called the Zeekr 001, which delivers an estimated 435 miles per charge. The underpinnings will be shared with some of the other Geely brands, including Lynk & Co. and Volvo. Geely plans to back up its push into electric propulsion by setting up a network of 2,200 fast-charge stations across China. Geely also debuted an assortment of its own new and updated models, such as the GS and Xingyue L.

Genesis. Hyundai’s spinoff luxury brand is rapidly expanding its line-up and is set to deliver its first battery-electric model, the G80 Electrified. The BEV shares the basic design of the conventionally powered G80 but manages to squeeze in enough batteries to deliver 500 km, or around 310 miles, of range, Genesis claims. It will launch in China but details of a North American launch will be released later this year. The Korean carmaker hints that “additional EV models” are in development.


Genesis G80 EV front

Genesis Electrified G80 Concept

Great Wall. The ambitious Chinese domestic automaker covered a number of bases during its Shanghai news conference. The Ora Lightning Cat concept hints at an upcoming all-electric sports sedan. The design seems to draw inspiration from both Porsche and Tesla, the latter with the notable lack of any sort of grille. Twin Motors will help the Cat hit 60 in barely 3.5 seconds, the automaker said. Great Wall also announced a new sub-brand, Tank, to produce serious off-road SUVs.


Honda. The Japanese automaker has two new models in Shanghai, starting with the SUV E:Prototype. Looking a fair bit like the current Honda Fit, it’s a small, all-electric SUV that is widely expected to return in production form in China next year. Honda isn’t saying much, so it’s unclear if the E:Prototype uses a more modern skateboard platform or squeezes batteries into what would basically be an electrified version of the Fit. Also on display, the Breeze plug-in hybrid.

Hyundai Motor Group. The world’s fifth-largest automaker held a combined news conference focusing on its ambitious electrification plans. This covered three different brands, Hyundai, Kia and Genesis. (See the Genesis news, above.) Among the highlights: the Chinese debut of the Ioniq 5, the first of what’s to become a sub-brand and family of Hyundai battery-electric vehicles. For its part, Kia showed off the EV6, the first in what will be its own family of BEVs. Kia said it plans to launch a new all-electric model every year in China, aiming for eight by 2030.

Hyundai Ioniq 5


Lexus. Toyota’s luxury division introduced a midcycle update of its popular ES sedan. The refresh brings some significant tweaks, though they largely focus on the cabin, as well as the ES sedan’s performance. The interior “seat-in-control” concept brings all switches and controls within easy reach of the driver, among other things moving the infotainment screen outward by four inches. The Lexus Safety Sense driver assistance technology gets an upgrade and the ES 350 F Sport adds a new Dynamic Handling Package for 2022.


Maserati. The Italian automaker brings out its first BEV, the new Gran Turismo next year. But it’s now launching its second hybrid, a version of the big Maserati Levante. The SUV uses an electric drive system paired with a 2.0-liter inline-4 gas engine. Capable of pushing it to 240 kmh, or 150 mph. Maserati dashed expectations of a plug-in hybrid, officials claiming the added mass would have cost too much performance. The new Grecale SUV coming later this year also will offer hybrid technology. Maserati expects all models will offer some form of electrified option by 2025.


Mercedes EQB

Mercedes-Benz EQB

Mercedes-Benz. The German automaker brought two new battery-electric vehicles to Shanghai, including the EQS, the battery-powered alternative to its familiar S-Class flagship, which got an early, online preview. It introduces the new, one-bow design concept that will shape future BEVs. The EQB, however, gets a more conventional SUV look, albeit with distinctive design cues like its sealed grille and distinctive fiber-optic light bar. The EQB will be offered in both two- and three-row packages and will roll out worldwide. Alongside the two BEVs, Mercedes also revealed a stretched version of its C-Class sedan.


MG. The British brand — now Chinese-owned — returns to its sports car roots with the debut of the Cyberster concept. Decidedly not retro, the all-electric two seater was designed at MG’s Advanced Design Center in London and packs a wallop, both visually and in terms of performance. The Cyberster reportedly can deliver 800 km, or about 500 miles, per charge, and it will launch from 0 to 60 in less than three seconds. There are no plans to revive the brand in the U.S. market.


MG Cyberster concept front

MG Cyberster

Nissan. The second-largest Japanese automaker debuted the new X-Trail SUV, which is largely a Chinese take on the latest-generation Nissan Rogue that was introduced in North America last year. It’s also known as the Qashqai in Europe. But …there is some big news, nonetheless. It will feature Nissan’s new e-Power plug-in hybrid drivetrain technology. Electric motors drive the X-Trail’s wheels. But the drivetrain can supplement a modest-sized battery pack with power generated by a 1.5-liter turbo-4 gas engine using Nissan’s variable compression technology.


Toyota. The Japanese giant has been slow to embrace all-electric propulsion, preferring to focus on its familiar hybrids and newer Prius plug-in hybrids. But, with more and more markets going all-electric — China setting a high target for 2025, Toyota is entering the fray and revealed in Shanghai it is working up 15 BEVs. Seven of those will be part of the new “Beyond Zero” line. The first will be the bZ4X, a concept version of which made its debut at the Shanghai show. The production model will follow in short order, though Toyota isn’t revealing global rollout details yet.


Volkswagen. The German automaker is a powerhouse in the Chinese market and wants to retain its position — which means it needs to be a big player in the growing BEV segment. So, Shanghai sees the debut of the new ID.6. With three rows, and seating for up to seven, it’s the largest battery-electric vehicle VW has yet introduced, though it shares the same, underlying MEB architecture as Europe’s ID.3 hatchback and the ID.4 SUV just going on sale in the U.S. Two versions will be available: the ID.6 Crozz, closer to the original ID.Crozz concept crossover, and the ID.6 X.

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What’s in a Name? Your Vehicle’s Name May be Saying Something You Never Intended

The GMC Acadia AT4 edition puts the emphasis on off-roadability, which could be helpful while touring Nova Scotia, where it’s name comes from.

Have you ever wondered why an automaker gave a vehicle a particular name?

The name bestowed upon a vehicle can often play a big role in its long-term success. Some names don’t fit the vehicle while others, especially some of those that have been around for some time, would be tough to imagine applied to any other type of car, truck or ute.

Cracking open the dictionary reveals what your car or truck’s name really means, sometimes with unintended consequences. Here is a list of present car names, their definition and the automaker that uses them, according to several dictionaries, including Oxford, Merriam-Webster and Dictionary.com.

(Could an all-electric Corvette crossover be in the works?)

Don’t see your vehicle’s name? Most likely, it’s because it’s a made-up word, not an English word, or we overlooked it. Bear in mind some of these names/words also have more than one meaning. Here’s the list:

Could one have an armada of Nissan Armadas?

Acadia: Relating to the former French colony of Acadia (now Nova Scotia) in Canada. (GMC)

Accent: A way of pronouncing a language, associated with a country, area, or social class. (Hyundai)

Accord: An official agreement or treaty. (Honda)

Armada: A fleet of warships. (Nissan)

Atlas: The first vertebra of the neck. (Volkswagen)

Avalon: Legendary Celtic isle of the dead where King Arthur and other knights are taken after death. (Toyota)

Aviator: The operator of an aircraft. (Lincoln)

Blazer: A sports jacket often with notched collar and patch pockets. (Chevrolet)

Bronco: An unbroken range horse of western North America. (Ford)

Canyon: a deep gorge, especially one with a river flowing through it. (GMC)

The GMC Canyon AT4 Off-Road Performance Edition  would be an ideal vehicle to explore a canyon.

Cayman: or caiman, a Central and South American crocodile. (Porsche)

Challenger: To confront or defy boldly. (Dodge)

Charger: A large, flat platter. (Dodge)

Cherokee: A member of a North American people originally of the southeastern U.S. (Jeep)

Civic: Relating to a city or town. (Honda)

Clarity: Freedom from indistinctness or ambiguity. (Honda)

Colorado: State of the interior western U.S. (Chevrolet)

Compass: Boundary, circumference (Jeep)

Continental: An American soldier of the Revolution in the Continental army. (Bentley)

The Toyota Corolla XSE Hatchback may be plenty of fun but doesn’t seem to have any floral styling cues.

Cooper: A person who makes or repairs casks or barrels. (Mini)

Corolla: The petals, or inner leaves, of a flower. (Toyota)

Corvette: A small warship designed for convoy escort duty. (Chevrolet)

Countryman: One living in the country or marked by country ways. (Mini)

Dawn: To begin to appear or develop. (Rolls-Royce)

Defender: One that defends. (Land Rover)

Discovery: Pretrial disclosure of pertinent facts or documents by one or both parties to a legal action or proceeding. (Land Rover)

Durango: State in northwest central Mexico. (Dodge)

Edge: The outside limit of an object, area, or surface. (Ford)

Enclave: A group that is different in character from those surrounding it. (Buick)

Encore: An additional performance at the end of a concert. (Buick)

If you buy a second Buick Encore to replace the first, is it an encore for your Encore or just a second Encore?

Equinox: The time or date at which the sun crosses the celestial equator and when day and night are of equal length. (Chevrolet)

Escalade: The scaling of fortified walls using ladders as a form of military attack. (Cadillac)

Escape: To fail to be noticed or recallable by. (Ford)

Expedition: Excursion undertaken for a specific purpose. (Ford)

Explorer: A member of a coed scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America for people ages 14 to 20 focusing on career awareness. (Ford)

Fit: A seizure in which the victim loses consciousness. (Honda)

Ford: A shallow place in a river or stream where it can be crossed. (Ford)

Forester: A person or animal living in a forest. (Subaru)

Forte: A thing at which someone excels. (Kia)

If you’re going to be exploring new frontiers, the Nissan Frontier is perfect-ly named.

Frontier: The farthermost limits of knowledge or achievement in a particular subject. (Nissan)

Ghibli: A hot dust-bearing wind of the North African desert. (Maserati)

Ghost: A disembodied soul. (Rolls-Royce)

Gladiator: A trained fighter. (Jeep)

Golf: An outdoor game played on a large course with a small, hard ball and a set of clubs. (Volkswagen)

Hellcat: A violently temperamental person. (Dodge)

Highlander: Inhabitants of the Scottish Highlands. (Toyota)

Insight: Apprehending the true nature of a thing. (Honda)

Kicks: Strike or propel forcibly with the foot. (Nissan)

Kona: Coastal region of Hawaii in the western part of the island of Hawaii. (Hyundai)

Lancer: A soldier of a cavalry regiment armed with lances. (Mitsubishi)

Was Nissan was inspired by flora or fauna when naming the Leaf electric vehicle.

Leaf: A flat structure of a plant that is the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration, attached to a stem directly or via a stalk. (Nissan)

Legacy: an amount of money or property left to someone in a will. (Subaru)

Malibu: A coastal city west of Los Angeles (Chevrolet)

Mirage: Something illusory and unattainable. (Mitsubishi)

Mustang: A small lightly built feral horse of the south-western U.S. (Ford)

Navigator: One that navigates. (Lincoln)

Odyssey: A long and eventful journey (Honda)

Outback: A remote or sparsely populated inland area, especially in Australia. (Subaru)

Outlander: A person who belongs to another region, culture, or group. (Mitsubishi)

Pacifica: City on the Pacific Ocean in western California south of San Francisco. (Chrysler)

The new 2021 Chrysler Pacifica might be the ideal vehicle to take you Pacifica, California.

Passport: A thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something. (Honda)

Phantom: A figment of the imagination. (Rolls-Royce)

(FCA, PSA pick a name for post-merger company: Stellantis.)

Pilot: A television program made to test audience reaction with a view to the production of a series. (Honda)

Ranger: One of a body of organized armed men who range over a region especially to enforce the law. (Ford)

Renegade: An individual who rejects lawful or conventional behavior. (Jeep)

Ridgeline: A line formed along the highest points of a mountain ridge. (Honda)

Rio: Radar intercept officer. (Kia)

Rogue: A dishonest or unprincipled man. (Nissan)

Sequoia: Huge coniferous California trees of the bald cypress family that may reach a height of over 300 feet. (Toyota)

Toyota Sequoia: a big vehicle named after big trees.

Sienna: A kind of earth used as a pigment in painting. (GMC)

Sierra: Any of several large scombroid fish (genus Scomberomorus) related to the mackerel. (GMC)

Sonata: A composition for one or two instruments. (Hyundai)

Soul: The spiritual principle embodied in human beings, all rational and spiritual beings, or the universe. (Kia)

Spark: a latent particle capable of growth or developing. (Chevrolet)

Stinger: A cocktail consisting of brandy and white crème de menthe. (Kia)

Suburban: An outlying part of a city or town. (Chevrolet)

Tacoma: An industrial port city in west central Washington, on Puget Sound, south of Seattle. (Toyota)

Tahoe: A lake in eastern California and western Nevada. (Chevrolet)

Taos: A North American people native to New Mexico. (Volkswagen)

Kia’s Telluride has been “electropositive” for the brand.

Telluride: A binary compound of tellurium with a more electropositive element. (Kia)

Terrain: A field of knowledge or interest (GMC)

Titan: A family of giants in Greek mythology ruling the earth until overthrown by the Olympian gods. (Nissan)

Trailblazer: A pathfinder.  (Chevrolet)

Transit: Change, transition (Ford)

Traverse: To make a study of. (Chevrolet)

Tucson: City in southeast Arizona. (Hyundai)

Tundra: A vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen. (Toyota)

Urus: an extinct large, long-horned wild ox. (Lamborghini)

Valkyrie: Any of the maidens of Odin who choose the heroes to be slain in battle and conduct them to Valhalla. (Aston Martin)

The Aston Martin Valkyrie would be the best way to travel to Valhalla.

Vantage: A place or position affording a good view. (Aston Martin)

Velar: Formed with the back of the tongue touching or near the soft palate. (Land Rover)

Venue: The place from which a jury is drawn and in which trial is held. (Hyundai)

Voyager: A U.S. space probe that obtained scientific information while flying by the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

Wraith: An insubstantial form or semblance. (Rolls-Royce)

Wrangler: A person who wrangles, or argues, especially in a contentious way. (Jeep)

Yukon: A river in Alaska (GMC).

(Ford Mustang Mach-E captures 2021 NACTOY utility trophy.)

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2021 Honda Accord Hybrid First Drive – High Mileage Family Hauler

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

When Honda sent out the press release detailing the updates for the 2021 model-year Accord and Accord Hybrid, I shed a tear (figuratively) for the loss of the manual-transmission option in the gas models, and wondered why they were bothering with the hybrid. There didn’t seem to be much changed.

That may be true, but perhaps it’s because there wasn’t much to fix to begin with?

I’m not saying the Accord, which is among the tops of the mid-size class, is without flaws. This particular model gets thrashy when you dig into the throttle, the seats are a bit stiff for long drives, and the steering is a bit too artificial-feeling.

But like its main rival, Toyota’s Camry, the Accord gets a lot of love for being balanced. The Accord has always offered up driving fun for those who care without forcing those who don’t to sacrifice ride quality or comfort or fuel economy, and while the Camry was once dogged for being capable but boring, it, too, has become as well balanced as the Honda.

Well, close, anyway – Honda still does sport just a bit better.

Both cars just work, which helps explain their popularity among the plebes as well as among cynical auto journos. Both feel well screwed together, as well.

And this particular Accord will challenge your bladder on road trips.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

(Full disclosure: Honda invited me to drive to the Ann Arbor/Plymouth area of southeast Michigan, paid for my hotel and meals, and offered a gift card for trip expenses that I politely declined. I drove a Honda CR-V Hybrid up to return to Honda from the local press fleet and drove an Accord Hybrid back – what’s known in the business as a “drive-away”, naturally. Myself, other attending media, and Honda personnel all abided by COVID19 precautions, including masks. The Accord Hybrid I drove home was the same one I tested on the local one-hour-long drive loop, as well as around town in my home city, and it is the subject vehicle for this review. The CR-V will be reviewed at a future date.)

I’ll admit I screwed up and forgot to reset the trip odo before hitting the local streets around Northville, Michigan, so my numbers will be a bit off, but I did reset the trip meter before booking it home to Chicago and according to the computer, I was getting into the high 30s when it comes to mpg. More on that down below. The fuel tank wasn’t full when I left – I don’t think it was full even when I started the drive loop – and yet, I had not even the slight bit of worry that the 260-ish mile drive would require a fuel stop.

Not for the car, anyway. I do require food and caffeine – aka human fuel. And my bladder has needs, too.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

Before you dive into the comments to shout at me that most modern cars can make 260 miles without refueling, even if they aren’t electrified in any way, that’s true. But there’s more peace of mind at hand when you glance at the dash and see a large gap in range remaining compared to the miles to home. And more fuel to play around with before stopping to fill up when you finally reach the “around town” part of the trip.

I’ve driven to Detroit or its metro area at least once a year since the late Aughts, on average anyway, and while most vehicles I’ve piloted got me from my home to hotel, or hotel to home, without a stop, there’s more to maximizing fuel economy and range than just one trip. Sure, most vehicles, including some crossovers, could get you from here to there without sweat. In some cases, it’s due to high highway mpg and in others, a large tank gives you long-range (think of trucks that get horrible mpg numbers but have impressive ranges due to mega-size tanks). Sometimes it’s both.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

Thing is, it’s all about the overall experience, not just road trips. That’s why one buys a hybrid – to maximize their fuel range in all kinds of driving. And the Accord accomplishes that, too. A quick look at the power flow meter shows that in stop-and-go driving, judicious use of the throttle can keep the gas engine from firing, instead using the electric propulsion motor to keep things in EV operation. And there’s an EV drive mode you can select, too, that can keep the car running purely on electric in certain situations.

The transition between gas and hybrid is smooth, too, hardly felt or heard from the driver’s seat. Unfortunately, matting the throttle to pass leads to a level of thrash from underneath that’s a bit unbecoming of a car that otherwise acquits itself well when it comes to NVH.

The two-mode hybrid system puts out a peak 212 horsepower and 232 lb-ft of torque, same as last year, but the changes Honda made to the system are meant to make the power available closer to idle, with a more responsive overall throttle. My basis for comparison is limited – I last drove the hybrid at the launch of the current generation, and I don’t recall how responsive the throttle was or wasn’t three-plus years ago. It does feel properly reactive here, though.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

That doesn’t make the car extra swift, per se. It does weigh over 3,400 pounds (3,415 to be precise). It moves its mass well enough to pass with ease, and you won’t often feel left wanting, but don’t expect to warp time and space. You have the power you’ll need, and that’s likely enough.

The two electric motors are a propulsion motor and a starter/generator. The gas engine that’s part of the hybrid setup is a 2.0-liter four-cylinder.

Here’s how it works – in EV mode, the gas engine takes a rest, and the propulsion motor feeds power to the wheels using juice from the battery. In hybrid operation, the engine powers the generator which then sends electricity to the propulsion motor, as well as to the battery to charge it. The gas engine can also connect directly to the wheels via a clutch, which it does during high-speed cruising. Braking and deceleration create regenerative energy.

This means there’s no conventional automatic transmission, although of course there’s still park/reverse/neutral/drive selections.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

The EPA numbers are 48 mpg city/highway/combined for all Accord Hybrid models save the Touring, which comes in at 41/44/43. I achieved just over 37 mpg, according to the computer, driving from outside Detroit to Chicago, with that number dropping by about half an mpg when I returned home and started running errands.

That’s below the EPA number, obviously, but it should be noted that I have a heavy foot, I don’t use cruise control, and while that drive was mostly highway it also included some suburban and urban driving. Furthermore, EPA test cycles tend to be optimistic compared to real-world conditions. That number may be shy of the sticker, but it’s still pretty dang good.

Handling-wise, the steering feels a tad less light than I recall from that first spin, but it still feels distant, as too many cars do these days. Though not so artificial that you can’t place the wheels just right or make a mid-corner correction easily. It’s a pretty good setup, especially for a family car – just not quite natural-feeling enough for my tastes. Sport mode does make the steering feel tighter. Conversely, Econ mode apparently dulls the throttle response – select this mode only on the highway, and only once up to speed and not needing to pass often.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

Steering-wheel paddles allow the driver to control regeneration.

The ride is mostly pleasant – there’s a bit of lean to the stiff side, but that really only reveals itself on the worst pavement. Interstate 94 cutting across Michigan was tackled with ease and almost no float, wallow, or any other nastiness of that sort. The Accord Hybrid is a comfortable interstate cruiser that doesn’t give up much handling ability. Body roll is mostly controlled. The Sport mode that tightens up the steering doesn’t seem to stiffen the ride too much.

Ah, comfort. The same can’t be said of the seats. They’re fine for most driving – but hard enough that after an hour or two, my back started to complain. To be clear, I am not someone with the kind of balky back that acts up easily, so I take notice when seats cause me to grumble. At least the amount of time that passed before I perceived discomfort was over an hour – meaning commuting or errand running shouldn’t be an issue.

The rest of the interior is upscale feeling, with nice materials. The return of radio knobs is appreciated, and the infotainment screen’s tiled layout is easy to work with. The big news here is the addition of wireless CarPlay and Android Auto. The button shifter is still weird, but you get used to it. I still don’t like infotainment screens that “sail” above the dash, but that’s personal preference more than anything, and it’s easy to reach at least. My phone and the wireless cell-phone charger did sometimes fail to connect, and I also lost connection at times as the phone shifted around while I drove. Best to have a wired USB connection for backup if you like to charge while you drive.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

I also had some issues with CarPlay playing particular songs. Siri claimed not to find songs that were in my library because they weren’t on Apple Music, which I haven’t signed up for. Yet, the songs are there, on my phone. Some investigation with Honda showed this is apparently an issue with Apple pulling from Apple Music instead of a user’s library.

As a workaround, a driver can use their phone manually to call up the desired tune, though that sort of defeats the purpose of using voice recognition to keep your eyes on the road. The car I’m testing this week has the same issue and it’s not a Honda or Acura product, so this appears to be something Apple may need to address with the next software update.

Those of you who have been reading this site since the latest Accord has been on the roads panned its looks, mostly the grille. For ’21, all Accords have a wider grille with what Honda says, correctly in this scribe’s opinion, is better integration of the necessary electronics for Honda Sensing driver’s aids. The fog-lamp openings shrink. Hybrids get special badging and gain 19-inch wheels on Touring-trim models, like the one I tested.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

Touring is the top of four trims. Base cars start out with remote start, wired CarPlay and Android Auto, keyless entry, 17-inch wheels, Honda Sensing (adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assist, traffic-sign recognition, collision-mitigation braking, and road-departure mitigation), dual-zone climate control, Bluetooth, USB, and LED lighting all around (except the low beams).

EX trims add more USB charge points, wireless CarPlay and Android Auto, heated front seats, power moonroof, blind-spot monitoring with rear cross-traffic alert, satellite radio, power driver’s seat, LED fog lamps, and LED high beams, among other items. EX-L additions include a leather-wrapped steering wheel, leather seats, power passenger seat, driver-seat memory, two more speakers (bringing the total to 10), auto-dimming rearview mirror, courtesy lights, and turn signals in the sideview mirrors.

A Touring model like the one I drove adds 19-inch wheels, low-speed braking control, navigation, adaptive dampers, a head-up display, HondaLink, heated and cooled front seats, heated rear seats, rain-sensing wipers, ambient lighting for the doors, sideview mirrors that tilt when the car is in reverse, and parking sensors.

Base cars start at $26,370, EX at $30,320, EX-L at $32,690, and Touring at $36,240. Destination is $955.

2021 Honda Accord Hybrid

Honda’s press materials breakdown trim-level take rate thusly: Base 20 percent, EX 20 percent, EX-L 30 percent, and Touring 30 percent. Those are projections based on 2019’s sales numbers.

The flaws I picked up on are mostly small potatoes, and the overall experience isn’t ruined. It’s more positive than negative, and I can see why the Accord remains so popular. Honda hasn’t always gotten the Accord right – it’s been, at times, criticized for being too comfortable to the point of flirtation with the dreaded s-word (“soft”) – but the current-gen car is well-balanced, and the tradeoffs often made with hybrid models to maximize fuel economy don’t change that.

Honda PR told us the hybrid Accord is the one to get – it’s even in the press release – but I don’t know about that. I’d need to drive the gassers again to compare. That said, if it’s the Accord you do get – and many people have a good use case for hybridization – you’ll be buying a comfortable-riding four-door that sips fuel and is engaging enough, if not a pure sports sedan.

Well-rounded machinery almost always gets high marks from me, and despite some flaws that stick out, this Accord grades well.

[Images © 2020 Tim Healey/TTAC]

Karma Teases First All-Electric Model

Karma plans to launch the first in its GS Series of all-electric sedans next year.

When it comes to going “all-electric,” it seems there is no such thing as instant Karma.

The company, which emerged from the assets of the old Fisker Automotive, currently markets the sporty Revero plug-in hybrid – what was originally known as the Fisker Karma. It has been promising to add an all-electric model for quite some time and now has teased its first offering. But what it says will be its “first-ever battery-electric luxury sedan” won’t make it into production until sometime next year.

This is the first teaser image the California-based – albeit Chinese-owned – Karma has released. Details are scarce but it says the first model will be part of a “new family of sedans to wear the GS badge.”

(Karma execs say Revero GTE will go on sale next April.)

Cost reductions, the streamlining of Karma’s supply chain, and new, “standardized production methods,” said Lance Zhou, Karma’s CEO, “allowed for a new, more attainable pricing structure for the GS line-up allowing for higher market penetration, opening up the market to a larger group of entry level luxury buyers.”

The Karma GS Series will ride on the carmaker’s new skateboard-style E-Flex platform.

What is now called Karma Automotive debuted a decade ago as Fisker Automotive, an ambitious project launched by long-time Danish designer Henrik Fisker, and produced a plug-in hybrid called the Karma. Everything seemed to go wrong for the star-crossed venture that repeatedly struggled to find cash and, at one point, even saw newly produced cars stored at a port near New York City destroyed by flooding during Superstorm Sandy.

The company was forced into Chapter 7 insolvency, its assets snapped by a Chinese auto parts manufacturer, the Wanxiang Group, which also purchased the bankrupt battery producer A123.

Once relaunched in 2014, the operations were renamed Karma Automotive and began producing a slightly updated version the original vehicle, newly redubbed the Revero.

(Karma unveils new autonomous platform.)

The SC2 is one of two all-electric concepts from Karma.

It’s gotten some updates, most notably dropping its old General Motors-sourced “range extender” gas engine for one supplied by BMW. And new variants, such as the Revero GT, have been added.

But Karma has been teasing for several years plans to migrate to all-electric technology – among other things revealing the all-electric Karma SC1 Vision Concept in Shanghai early in 2019, following it up with a second prototype, the SC2, later in the year.

It’s difficult to tell from this modest teaser image exactly how much the production GS Series will have in common with those show cars.

Right now, Karma produces various versions of the Revero, a plug-in hybrid originally known as the Fisker Karma.

What we do know, according to Karma, is that the all-electric sedan will ride on the “racing-inspired E-Flex platform suitable for both road and track day applications.”

Like so many other EV startups, Karma is shifting gears, so to speak, putting as much emphasis on performance as energy efficiency. The all-wheel-drive platform – which would mean at least two motors, one on each axle – “aims to achieve 1,100 hp,” according to Karma, and an astounding 10,500 pound-feet of torque at the wheels, as well as electronic torque vectoring.

As for range, the company says it will be “up to 400 miles,” the GS offering battery packs “up to 120 kWh of energy capacity.” That’s 16 more kilowatt-hours than in the longest-range, 402-mile Tesla Model S, and 10 kWh more than what will be in the 530-mile Lucid Air.

(Double dose of Karma — L.A. debuts for Revero GTS and SC2 Concept.)

For those who like the way things sound, Karma is now taking $100 “pre-reservation” orders. The deposit, according to the company, is fully refundable and will ensure a place in line once the new model actually goes on sale.

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