Q&A: Green Car Pioneer Ron Cogan Offers Sage Insights

Green Car Journal Publisher Ron Cogan at the 2020 Green Car Awards. He’s been covering the shift to environmentally friendly vehicles for three decades.

The automobile has transformed we live, work and play. Unfortunately, it’s also had a seriously detrimental impact on Planet Earth. And now, as it becomes more crucial to address issues like climate change, the automobile is in the crosshairs.

That’s a message many have come to just lately. Not Ron Cogan. The veteran automotive journalist was among the first to recognize the need to clean up the car, in 1992 launching Green Car Journal. Where some have focused exclusively on electrified vehicles, pure battery-electric models, in particular, Cogan and his magazine have looked at all the various green car technologies that have come — and, in many cases, gone — during the past three decades.

The latest issue of Green Car Journal focuses specifically on battery-electric vehicles. But, as is Cogan’s style, it takes a pragmatic, even somewhat skeptical, look at this potentially game-changing technology, recognizing there are still many challenges to be overcome before BEVs can clearly replace the time-tested internal combustion engine.

Cogan spoke to TheDetroitBureau.com about his years covering the green car world and what he sees coming in the years ahead.

Cogan’s enjoyed a front-row seat, watching and writing about the shift from ICE-powered vehicles to electrified models in the U.S.

TheDetroitBureau: These days, everyone is writing about electric vehicles but you’ve been at this for a long time, haven’t you? And don’t you take something of a broader look when it comes to environmentally friendly vehicles?

Ron Cogan: Green Car Journal, which launched in 1992, has been all about options, everything that’s happening in the green space, whether it’s methanol, ethanol and natural gas, even high fuel-efficiency gasoline. Now, there’s a huge push towards electrification. It wasn’t our call to tell people what to drive. With our 30th birthday coming up we wanted to let people read different opinions from industry leaders.

TDB: We now have General Motors CEO Mary Barra setting a transition to all-electric vehicles and announcing a second battery plant. Is this the year of the tipping point for battery-electric vehicles?

Cogan: I would agree there’s a tipping point going on in the sense that there’s a major commitment by a lot of automakers. It’s gone beyond lip service. For the industry, the tipping point is here. The question is whether it is a consumer tipping point yet. Only so many people are willing to step up to pure electric vehicles. More see a hybrid as the way to go because it’s so seamless, and some to plug-in hybrids. But have we reached a tipping point for consumers? I’m not so sure.

Cogan notes that hybrids provide a level of convenience that pure EVs cannot.

TDB: Yet BEVs do seem to be gaining a lot of momentum.

Cogan: Well, the range issues is being overcome to a large degree, But even with 250 miles, on a long trip you have to plan ahead (to find places to charge), which is why I think plug-in hybrids are going to be pretty huge. When you can’t plug in you’re not limited, so I think that category is really going to expand. With a plug-in you can do everyday driving in electric but switch to internal combustion when you have to go farther. I think it’s a win-win. And it will get more people into buying electric vehicles.

TDB: I find that the best way to promote electric vehicles is to get people into electric vehicles. They’re often surprised by the performance, for one thing.

Cogan: Yeah, today’s electric vehicles are pretty amazing given what they offer — everything a combustion vehicle can offer and more. The launch in an electric vehicle can be pretty exciting and some companies, like Tesla, are keying in on that, talking about how they can beat a Ferrari on track and all that. I think that’s surprising a lot of people.

Cogan is quick to note that EVs are not the only way to improve the efficiency of vehicles. His publication’s honored several diesels.

TDB: I have more and more people asking if this is the right time to buy an electric vehicle. Many worry that, like with an iPhone, if they buy today something better will soon come out and they’ll regret it. What would you tell them?

Cogan: The technology, the range, all of that will improve over time, as will the cost which will continue to go down incrementally. So, it’s a tough question. If you find the right vehicle that appeals to you, it makes sense, go ahead and buy the vehicle. There are some great choices out there now and there are going to be more coming up. The jump to 250 miles (which most new BEVs are offering) is huge and there are going to be more and more charging stations coming online. True, the nature of it is that there’s always going to be something better. But do you never buy an electric vehicle because of that?

TDB: Doesn’t that make an argument for leasing, rather than buying? You can move to something newer and better in a few years — and not worry about trade-in values.

Cogan: I think leasing is the ideal way to go with electric vehicles. It means you don’t have to take as much of a risk. You know what your payments are. You know when you’re going to turn it in. And then, you can move on to the next generation of electric vehicles. Leasing takes the risk out.

Green Car Publisher Ron Cogan, Chevy Marketing Director Steve Mojoras and the 2016 Volt, which was honored by the Green Car Awards.

TDB: Let’s talk about batteries — in particular, next-generation batteries. Honda, Ford and others are all talking about solid-state batteries (which supposedly will be lighter, deliver longer range and shorter charging times and even reduce the risk of fire). Are they real? And will they live up to expectations?

Cogan: It seems that if solid-state comes close to all the promises it would put BEVs over the top, making all the difference in the world. Solid-state, from what we hear, is the ideal technology.

TDB: What would you estimate will be the BEV share of the market by 2030? And could it be even bigger than people are forecasting now?

Cogan: It’s tough to make a prediction, and I try to avoid that. But automakers and other interests are pushing for them and there’s a lot of interest in setting up a nationwide rapid charging network. All of that takes us in the direction where we know there’s going to be significantly more electric vehicles sold by then. But many things could influence the fate of gasoline vehicles. How’s the price of gas? If gas prices stay low there’ll be less incentive for electric vehicles. Technology will influence things. A recession could, as well. Legislation clearly will have an influence, especially if it’s a disincentive to drive on gasoline.

Honda has been at the forefront of fuel-cell vehicles with the Clarity.

TDB: On the subject of politics, the Biden administration wants to have 500,000 charging stations in place by 2030. Could that mean a faster growth rate for electric?

Cogan: If we get the range to drive on battery like you would on gasoline and you have a network of rapid chargers, suddenly, your functionality is increased exponentially. But there’s no way yet to know if the government is going to create (that public charging network). Administrations change. Agendas change. So, I don’t put stock into what you can count on as far as legislation matters.

TDB: But the Biden administration is clearly making a lot of proposals to promote electric vehicles. Do you like what you’re seeing?

Cogan: Yeah, as far as I can tell. I mean, we’re going to see how this all unfolds. This administration has a more proactive agenda for environmental issues in general and clean cars, specifically, than the previous administration. But I have to say you can’t always count on that. Back under the Obama administration, he wanted a million electric vehicles by 2015. It was never going to happen because there weren’t enough vehicles to make it happen. (But) I look at all of these things (Biden is proposing) as positive … a direction that seems to make sense for electrified vehicles.

Cogan drove a GM EV1 for a full year.

TDB: You started publishing Green Car Journal in 1992. Looking back on the last three decades, what were biggest surprises, the things you didn’t count on early on?

Cogan: One of the milestones was the debut of the GM Impact prototype and then the actual production of the GM EV1, I drove one of those for a year. It was an amazing car to be in on the evolution of electric vehicles. It was also interesting to note how hydrogen was big and then (see automakers) backpedaling, Now they’re interested in hydrogen again. It’s gaining momentum again.

One of the (other) things that surprises me is that we’re seeing such a push for electrification, at the extreme high end of both luxury vehicles and sports cars and exotics.


TDB: To wrap up, is the age of the internal combustion engine coming to an end?

Cogan: I don’t think you can discount internal combustion because it keeps getting better and better. And I don’t think you can discount hybrids and plug-in hybrids and focus just on battery-electric vehicles. Those are all a big part of the solution. It may have narrowed from when we started publishing. It’s no longer really about ethanol and natural gas and propane. It’s really about electrification and significantly more efficient internal combustion engines — and a combination of the two. It’s going to be even more exciting in the years ahead seeing how it will play out.

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SEC Investigating VW Due to the “Voltswagen” Stunt


The “Voltswagen” April Fool’s Day prank has led to an investigation by the SEC.

What started out as a “humorous” advertising and marketing ploy could land German automaker Volkswagen in serious trouble with the federal government.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is apparently looking into VW’s “Voltswagen” marketing stunt to determine if it hurt company stock prices and may have broken any U.S. securities laws, according to German news outlet Der Spiegel.

The incident in question dates back to March 29. As a sort of early April Fool’s Day prank (and marketing ploy), VW “accidentally” released a rough draft of a press release declaring the company was going to change its name to “Voltswagen” as part of a larger effort to promote its ever-growing line-up of electric vehicles (EVs).

This action was picked up by the worldwide automotive press and on March 30 VW issued an official press release to several news outlets, including the Associated Press, confirming the leaked statement from the day before.

This action resulted in VW’s stock price going up. At one point it was 12.5% above its price before the whole incident.

SEC looking at jump in stock price

VW of America President Scott Keogh took responsibility for the poorly received April Fools’ prank that wasn’t on April 1.

This is what caught the attention of the SEC, taking what many considered a fairly unfunny publicity ruse to a possible federal offense.

After the April Fool’s stunt failed in the eyes of the media and the public, VW issued a press statement saying the releases were actually part of a larger tradition in which companies often issue prank statements.

This one just meant to also focus the world’s attention on VW’s growing EV portfolio.

But public statements that affect stock prices usually don’t get an “April Fools” immunity. An SEC investigation could result in charges against the company.

Several news organizations, including The New York Times and Reuters, have asked for a comment from VW. So far, the company has declined to issue one.

Just one of many VW legal scandals

This is not the first time VW has gotten into trouble for the way it conducts its business.

Oh those wacky Germans!! As quickly as it got here, VW took it away: Voltswagen is the company that never was.

In October 2015, as Volkswagen struggled to deal with its diesel emissions scandal, new data raised questions about whether the automaker properly reported death and injury claims to U.S. regulators during the past decade.

A study by the financial advisory firm Stout Risius Ross Inc., found that Volkswagen of America reported nine times fewer deaths and injuries than the average of the 11 largest automakers operating in the U.S. market. Significantly, VW reported less than half as many incidents as either Fiat Chrysler or Honda, both of which have been fined for underreporting their own death and injury data.

Back in September 2015, the EPA accused the German maker of using a so-called “defeat devices,” software designed to fool government emissions tests, on a variety of luxury models from the Audi and Porsche brands. The feds charged VW took steps to cover up excess emissions on 482,000 vehicles sold in the U.S. during a 7-year period.

The end result was VW paying billions of dollars in fines to various governments around the world. The company also faced numerous consumer lawsuits that further cost the company money.

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Shootout in Shanghai: A Roundup of the Hottest New Products Debuting at the Shanghai Auto Show

Auto Shanghai 2021 show floor

A little bit of normalcy in what is still a topsy turvy world, Auto Shanghai has plenty of new models.

While big auto shows have been put on indefinite hold in the U.S., Europe and much of the rest of the world due to the coronavirus, the industry got back to a sense of normal in China this week with the media days opener at the Shanghai Auto Show.

Reflecting the size of what is now the world’s largest automotive market, the event brought out scores of new and substantially updated products from both domestic Chinese brands, as well as from the foreign-owned marques still dominating the market.

As has become the case worldwide, there is a heavy emphasis on electrified vehicles in Shanghai, from conventional hybrids to pure battery-electric vehicles. But there are plenty of conventionally powered models. And one Chinese automaker even launched an all-new off-road SUV sub-brand.

Plenty of offerings at the show

Audi A6 e-tron concept Shanghai

Audi A6 e-tron concept

Here’s a roundup of some of the most important product announcements from the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show:

Audi. The German luxury brand is a big player in the Chinese market and Audi hopes to gain even more ground with a mix of new and updated models. One of its most significant introductions in Shanghai is the A6 e-tron concept. While just a show car, for now, a production version of this low-slung battery sedan is in the works. It will help Audi meet China’s tough New Energy Vehicle mandate calling for 25% of sales to use plug-in or all-electric drive by 2025. The automaker also revealed the new Q4 e-tron and Q4 Sportback e-tron, as well as a stretched version of the familiar Audi A7 fastback.


BMW. One of the worst-kept secrets in Shanghai was the “surprise” debut of the production version of the BMW iX. With its controversial take on the brand’s familiar double-kidney grille, the iX will serve as the flagship of BMW’s rapidly expanding line-up of battery-electric vehicles. Set to go on sale in China, North America and Europe next year, the iX uses a new modular architecture that will underpin a broad range of BMW BEVs. The automaker says it will deliver “more than” 500 horsepower and hit 60 in less than 5 seconds in its top trim using the new eDrive technology.

BMW iX - driving



Buick. Buick was one of the very earliest foreign entries into the Chinese market and remains a major player. It has several new models making their debuts on the Shanghai show floor this year, starting with the Envision Plus. It’s an extended version of the small Envision SUV — gaining 7 inches in length and 2 inches in height — that Buick already exports to the U.S. No word if the Plus will reach North America, as well. Also new, the Verano Pro is a “premium family sedan” aimed at younger Chinese buyers. It features a relatively conventional exterior paired with a decidedly high-tech cabin.


Cadillac. Parent General Motors says it wants to halt production of gas and diesel vehicles by 2035. The U.S. luxury brand aims to reach that target five years earlier — and the Lyriq will be the first step in the process. A prototype was unveiled online last August. It will hold a place on the Shanghai stand until later this week when Cadillac plans to reveal the actual production version of the all-electric SUV. The midsize Lyriq will use GM’s new Ultium batteries and electric vehicle architecture that will be shared with a broad range of other, upcoming BEVs.

Cadillac Lyriq


Citroen. The French automaker is billing its new C5 X as something of a Swiss Army knife, claiming it “combines the best attributes of a sedan, a station wagon and an SUV.” The vehicle will be offered both in gas and plug-in hybrid forms, the last helping the automaker meet strict new Chinese electrification mandates. The C5 X and C5 X Hybrid will be produced solely at a joint venture plant in Chengdu operated by parent Stellantis and Chinese partner Dongfeng for export to Europe and other markets.


Ford. There’s plenty of buzz about a potential crossover that could bring back the Fusion badge, which Ford abandoned when it dropped its passenger car line-up in the States. While that plan has yet to be confirmed, the automaker did reveal the new Evos in Shanghai, a sporty, coupe-like crossover that is widely expected to find a place in Europe and North America, as well as in China. The five-door could replace the European Mondeo sedan and, speculation suggests, might push aside the stodgy Edge crossover in the U.S. and Canada. Ford also debuted the new Equator, a more conventional SUV.


Zeekr 001 Shanghai Auto Show 2021

Zeekr 001

Geely. The fast-growing domestic Chinese brand has launched an entirely new, all-electric sub-brand, Zeekr. It gets off the ground with a midsize station wagon called the Zeekr 001, which delivers an estimated 435 miles per charge. The underpinnings will be shared with some of the other Geely brands, including Lynk & Co. and Volvo. Geely plans to back up its push into electric propulsion by setting up a network of 2,200 fast-charge stations across China. Geely also debuted an assortment of its own new and updated models, such as the GS and Xingyue L.

Genesis. Hyundai’s spinoff luxury brand is rapidly expanding its line-up and is set to deliver its first battery-electric model, the G80 Electrified. The BEV shares the basic design of the conventionally powered G80 but manages to squeeze in enough batteries to deliver 500 km, or around 310 miles, of range, Genesis claims. It will launch in China but details of a North American launch will be released later this year. The Korean carmaker hints that “additional EV models” are in development.


Genesis G80 EV front

Genesis Electrified G80 Concept

Great Wall. The ambitious Chinese domestic automaker covered a number of bases during its Shanghai news conference. The Ora Lightning Cat concept hints at an upcoming all-electric sports sedan. The design seems to draw inspiration from both Porsche and Tesla, the latter with the notable lack of any sort of grille. Twin Motors will help the Cat hit 60 in barely 3.5 seconds, the automaker said. Great Wall also announced a new sub-brand, Tank, to produce serious off-road SUVs.


Honda. The Japanese automaker has two new models in Shanghai, starting with the SUV E:Prototype. Looking a fair bit like the current Honda Fit, it’s a small, all-electric SUV that is widely expected to return in production form in China next year. Honda isn’t saying much, so it’s unclear if the E:Prototype uses a more modern skateboard platform or squeezes batteries into what would basically be an electrified version of the Fit. Also on display, the Breeze plug-in hybrid.

Hyundai Motor Group. The world’s fifth-largest automaker held a combined news conference focusing on its ambitious electrification plans. This covered three different brands, Hyundai, Kia and Genesis. (See the Genesis news, above.) Among the highlights: the Chinese debut of the Ioniq 5, the first of what’s to become a sub-brand and family of Hyundai battery-electric vehicles. For its part, Kia showed off the EV6, the first in what will be its own family of BEVs. Kia said it plans to launch a new all-electric model every year in China, aiming for eight by 2030.

Hyundai Ioniq 5


Lexus. Toyota’s luxury division introduced a midcycle update of its popular ES sedan. The refresh brings some significant tweaks, though they largely focus on the cabin, as well as the ES sedan’s performance. The interior “seat-in-control” concept brings all switches and controls within easy reach of the driver, among other things moving the infotainment screen outward by four inches. The Lexus Safety Sense driver assistance technology gets an upgrade and the ES 350 F Sport adds a new Dynamic Handling Package for 2022.


Maserati. The Italian automaker brings out its first BEV, the new Gran Turismo next year. But it’s now launching its second hybrid, a version of the big Maserati Levante. The SUV uses an electric drive system paired with a 2.0-liter inline-4 gas engine. Capable of pushing it to 240 kmh, or 150 mph. Maserati dashed expectations of a plug-in hybrid, officials claiming the added mass would have cost too much performance. The new Grecale SUV coming later this year also will offer hybrid technology. Maserati expects all models will offer some form of electrified option by 2025.


Mercedes EQB

Mercedes-Benz EQB

Mercedes-Benz. The German automaker brought two new battery-electric vehicles to Shanghai, including the EQS, the battery-powered alternative to its familiar S-Class flagship, which got an early, online preview. It introduces the new, one-bow design concept that will shape future BEVs. The EQB, however, gets a more conventional SUV look, albeit with distinctive design cues like its sealed grille and distinctive fiber-optic light bar. The EQB will be offered in both two- and three-row packages and will roll out worldwide. Alongside the two BEVs, Mercedes also revealed a stretched version of its C-Class sedan.


MG. The British brand — now Chinese-owned — returns to its sports car roots with the debut of the Cyberster concept. Decidedly not retro, the all-electric two seater was designed at MG’s Advanced Design Center in London and packs a wallop, both visually and in terms of performance. The Cyberster reportedly can deliver 800 km, or about 500 miles, per charge, and it will launch from 0 to 60 in less than three seconds. There are no plans to revive the brand in the U.S. market.


MG Cyberster concept front

MG Cyberster

Nissan. The second-largest Japanese automaker debuted the new X-Trail SUV, which is largely a Chinese take on the latest-generation Nissan Rogue that was introduced in North America last year. It’s also known as the Qashqai in Europe. But …there is some big news, nonetheless. It will feature Nissan’s new e-Power plug-in hybrid drivetrain technology. Electric motors drive the X-Trail’s wheels. But the drivetrain can supplement a modest-sized battery pack with power generated by a 1.5-liter turbo-4 gas engine using Nissan’s variable compression technology.


Toyota. The Japanese giant has been slow to embrace all-electric propulsion, preferring to focus on its familiar hybrids and newer Prius plug-in hybrids. But, with more and more markets going all-electric — China setting a high target for 2025, Toyota is entering the fray and revealed in Shanghai it is working up 15 BEVs. Seven of those will be part of the new “Beyond Zero” line. The first will be the bZ4X, a concept version of which made its debut at the Shanghai show. The production model will follow in short order, though Toyota isn’t revealing global rollout details yet.


Volkswagen. The German automaker is a powerhouse in the Chinese market and wants to retain its position — which means it needs to be a big player in the growing BEV segment. So, Shanghai sees the debut of the new ID.6. With three rows, and seating for up to seven, it’s the largest battery-electric vehicle VW has yet introduced, though it shares the same, underlying MEB architecture as Europe’s ID.3 hatchback and the ID.4 SUV just going on sale in the U.S. Two versions will be available: the ID.6 Crozz, closer to the original ID.Crozz concept crossover, and the ID.6 X.

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Lexus LF-Z Concept Previews Brand’s Electrified Future

2021 Lexus LF-Z concept front


The new LF-Z concept offers a hint of what’s coming from Lexus and its battery-car offerings.

Lexus will roll out nearly two dozen new models by mid-decade, including an assortment of hybrids, plug-ins and pure battery-electric vehicles. The new LF-Z concept offers a hint of what’s coming, both from a design perspective as well as the new technologies the luxury brand will bring to market.

Like other luxury marques, Lexus expects to see demand for electrified powertrain technology surge in the coming years. But in contrast to some of its key competitors, Toyota’s high-line brand expects buyers to continue seeking out a mix of solutions, ranging from conventional gas-powered products to those running entirely on battery power.

“Our main goal, moving forward, will be to look at each individual region and their specific needs and then to choose the best (powertrain) alternatives,” said Lexus Chief Engineer Takashi Watanabe, during a media roundtable Tuesday morning Japan time.

Early pioneer doesn’t want to get left behind

2021 Lexus LF-Z concept rear


The 2021 LF-Z concept is just the latest LF concept car shown by Lexus.

Lexus was the first luxury brand to offer a hybrid, a version of the old GS sedan. Like parent Toyota, it has been reluctant to bring out a pure battery-electric option. But, with most of its competitors set to enter the BEV space, Lexus doesn’t want to get left behind.

It has shown several all-electric prototypes in recent years. The new LF-Z is the latest. And it’s also the closest to what will wind up in Lexus showrooms before mid-decade, Watanabe and his colleagues hinted during the media backgrounder.

That includes the LF-Z’s design language which takes current Lexus styling cues in a new direction. There’s a hint of the familiar spindle grille framed by what might seem, at first glance, to be the big air intakes of the LF-C sports car. But this isn’t a standard grille, as there’s no need to feed air into the engine compartment. In fact, there is no engine compartment. The concept’s battery pack and motors are mounted within LF-Z’s skateboard-like platform.

The curvaceous shape of the crossover has a functional purpose, designed to minimize aerodynamic drag, said Watanabe. In turn, that improves performance while also boosting range.

Lexus Driving Signature

The LF-Z squeezes in 90 kilowatt-hours of lithium-ion batteries, enough for an estimated 600 kilometers, or roughly

2021 Lexus LF-Z concept cockpit


The LF-Z is the latest battery-electric concept using a yoke-style steering wheel.

375 miles, of range per charge. (That’s using the European WLTP test cycle. The numbers would drop 10% or more based on the more stringent test cycle used by the U.S. EPA.)

Power is delivered to two electric motors, one on each axle, according to Watanabe. They’re part of the brand’s new Direct4 drive system which splits torque between left and right wheels to achieve what the automaker calls the “Lexus Driving Signature.”

“Direct4 precisely controls the delivery of drive torque from front and rear electric motors and braking force to all four wheels,” the automaker said when it first showed the technology last December. “By automatically adjusting the balance of front and rear-wheel drive, the system adapts the driving conditions to the driver’s intentions, changing the driving feel and giving the car the best driving posture.”

The Direct4 system is paired with a new steer-by-wire system that eliminates the traditional, mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front wheels. The system, Lexus officials claim, provides a more intuitive connection between man and machine. The degree to which the wheels turn can vary depending upon factors such as road condition, vehicle speed and the rate at which the driver turns the steering wheel.

New technologies coming by 2025


The concept features a tinted, but not opaque, panoramic glass roof.

The yoke-like wheel anchors the minimalist cabin layout and incorporates switches that let a driver control the LF-Z much as a rider guides a horse by using the reins. The low instrument panel is topped by a large head-up display and makes use of augmented reality to enhance navigation and other vehicle operations.

While there’ll be no production LF-Z, “You will see some form of those technologies … in some of those vehicles … coming by 2025,” said Watanabe. That will include several all-electric products, as well as plug-in and conventional hybrids.

While Lexus plans to continue offering vehicles powered solely by internal combustion engines for the foreseeable future, all models will be offered with some form of electrified option by 2025, said Hiroo Tagahi, the brand’s communications chief. And he said Lexus planners expect that those battery-based models will, by mid-decade, generate the majority of the marque’s global sales.

All-new HQ

The shift to electrification comes at the same time Lexus plans major changes in its headquarters operations. It is building a new, multi-function complex at the Toyota Technical Center in Shinoyama, about 60 miles north of Tokyo. The new HQ will consolidate design, engineering and management into a single building, an approach Lexus officials hope will lead to greater creativity and flexibility. The complex also will add an assortment of new test tracks — even while retaining 70% of the center’s land in pristine natural condition.

The new Lexus headquarters is expected to open by mid-decade.

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Apple Readying to Bring a New Vehicle to Market in 2024, Report Claims

Apple appears to be back in the “building a car” game with an EV said to be coming in 2024.

Tech behemoth Apple Inc. is apparently on again when it comes to its on-again, off-again oft-speculated about Project Titan, after media reports say the company will bring out a vehicle potentially using a cutting-edge battery technology in 2024.

Apple’s been walking the line of potentially building an electric vehicle for most of the last decade, scooping up top tech minds from potential competitors, like Tesla, during that time. However, the company would never officially confirm Project Titan or its plans to build its own car.

However, a few years back, CEO Tim Cook decided to put the rumors to rest, saying the company was working on the development of autonomous technology that could be used by automakers. However, a new report from Reuters, which cites multiple sources familiar with the project, claims that an actual car is coming in three years, separate from the self-driving technology.

(Apple cuts over 200 jobs at autonomous vehicle project.)

Apple CEO Tim Cook has called self-driving vehicles “the mother of all AI projects.”

The tech giant’s been close before, hiring Doug Field, an Apple veteran who had worked at Tesla Inc., to oversee the project in 2018 and laid off 190 people from the team in 2019, according to Reuters. However, since then, the company’s been plugging along and now believes it’s made enough progress to build a vehicle, Reuters reported.

In an age where electric vehicle startups are seemingly commonplace, Apple’s return to the game doesn’t seem all that big a deal, until the report of the new battery design comes into play. Automakers are looking to improve batteries significantly so the costs will be on par with a vehicle with a gasoline- or diesel-powered engine.

The sources told Reuters that the new design could “radically” cut the battery cost while increasing the vehicle’s range. Current range for the top EVs exceeds 300 miles on a single charge, but Tesla, Lucid, General Motors and others are proclaiming that they’re pushing beyond 400 miles with their current vehicles. By the time an Apple EV shows up in 2024, the range could be double that, if not more.

(Apple files patent linked to AV driving.)

According to the story, the iPhone maker plans to use a “monocell” design. It bulks up the individual cells in the battery, freeing up space inside the battery pack by eliminating pouches and modules holding battery materials. The design allows for more battery material to be stuffed in the battery, extending its range.

Apple’s autonomous vehicle — a T6 Transporter van from Volkswagen.

Additionally, Reuters reported that Apple is researching a new battery chemistry: lithium iron phosphate, also known as LFP. Its primary advantage is that it’s less likely to overheat, making it safter than other batteries.

Apple’s big checkbook instantly makes it a player in any market it chooses to compete, but building a car isn’t the same as building a phone or a laptop. Tesla has struggled with its production issues and quality problems plague each of their vehicles when they roll off the assembly line during the early launch and even well beyond that time frame.

(Apple’s autonomous vehicle involved in California crash.)

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Canoo Joins EV Delivery Van Race with MPDV

Nascent EV maker Canoo is the latest company to get into the electric delivery van segment with its new MPDV.

The race to dominate the electric delivery van market continues to heat up with the entry of startup Canoo which today revealed its own entry featuring Level 2.5 autonomous driving capabilities, appropriately dubbed the Multi-Purpose Delivery Vehicle.

Canoo will join a growing mix of players set to bring battery-electric delivery vans to market, including established manufacturers like General Motors, Ford and Daimler, as well as newer players such as Rivian, which has a contract to supply 100,000 electric vans to online retail giant Amazon by the end of the decade.

The industry is under growing pressure to shift to electric propulsion for delivery vans for a variety of reasons, which includes new regulatory requirements. California, for example, plans to phase out the use of internal combustion engines in virtually all trucks by 2035. But there’s also the economic incentive of lower energy and maintenance costs that battery vans are expected to offer.

(EV maker Canoo riding the rapids like other companies to IPO.)

Canoo’s battery-electric van is aptly named Multi-Purpose Delivery Van.

The company claims an owner could save up to $80,000 in costs over a six- to seven-year period compared to conventional vans.

Among the many battery-car startups, Canoo is a relatively recent entry. It started outlining its plans in early 2019, revealing its first vehicle prototype, also dubbed the Canoo, later that year. Looking a lot like a toaster on wheels, the company says it plans to offer the passenger vehicle only through a subscription model.

Canoo did not discuss details about how it will offer the new delivery van to customers, whether through a conventional purchase model or under subscription, as well. It did emphasize a goal of offering “best-in-class total cost of ownership,” however.

The van will share the same architecture as the passenger Canoo, a skateboard-style platform with batteries, motors and other key drivetrain components mounted under the floorboard.

The layout is similar to what other battery-electric vans are adopting, and allows for a much lower load floor than conventional vans. Meanwhile, like the passenger version of the Canoo, the delivery vehicle adopts a relatively boxy shape with the driver sitting close to the nose, further enhancing cargo space.

Officials said the starting price for the MPDV is $33,000. It’s expected to arrive in 2022.

(Hyundai partnering with specialty EV maker Canoo.)

The van, said Canoo, was designed to target a wide spectrum of small businesses and, in particular, “last-mile” delivery services. There is significant flexibility to the design with lots of room for customization. The ability to pop open a side panel and create a window and window would suggest it might appeal to those who would turn it into a food truck. A statement from the automaker added that larger customers will “have the option to co-develop a custom vehicle.”

The flexibility includes an interior that can be used as a workstation, with room to the left of the driver where a laptop computer could be set up.

“We created our multi-purpose delivery vehicle from the inside out, with the ergonomics of the driver in mind and with attention to detail to help them be happier and more productive at work,” said Tony Aquila, executive chairman, Canoo. “The vehicle is affordable and offers greater cargo capacity than the current electric delivery offerings in its class. We aim to lower the total cost of ownership and increase return on investment for everyone from local small business owners to large fleets.”

The driver’s cockpit for the Canoo MPDV offers a simple layout.

Canoo did not disclose specific details on the van’s battery drive technology. The passenger-focused Canoo Canoo model will yield an estimated 250 miles per charge, with a single motor pushing 300 horsepower through the rear axle. That range should be more than sufficient for most delivery services, studies showing they generally average less than 50 miles use per day.

The battery pack could serve a dual purpose for operators, particularly those who might need power for tools and other electrical or electronic devices at a worksite. The Canoo van will feature bi-directional charging, providing energy through 120- or 240-volt plugs built into the vehicle.

(Canoo debuts 1st production EV – but only plans to offer it by subscription.)

Canoo expected the delivery vehicle to start at around $33,000, with “limited availability” starting in 2022 and volume ramping up the following year.

Mercedes Launching Six All-Electric Models by 2022 – With Two to Be Built in U.S.

Mercedes production chief Jorg Burzer stands by a prototype of the Mercedes EQS battery car. It will be one of two EVs built in Mercedes’ Alabama facilities.

Mercedes-Benz is getting ready to launch a major push into electrification, the automaker announcing plans to have six all-electric EQ models in production by 2022, including two that will roll off its assembly line in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

Production of the new Mercedes-EQ sub-brand began in 2019 with the launch of the EQC in Bremen, Germany, with the electric crossover being added at a plant in China. This year, the automaker introduced its all-electric EQV van, produced at its Vitoria plant in northern Spain. Production of the EQA at a German plant has just begun, with sales to begin next month.

Within two years, four other model lines, including electric sedans and SUVs, will be added to the list, as part of the “Electric First” program. The automaker will have factories dedicated to battery-electric vehicle, or BEV, production in the U.S., Germany, China, Hungary, Spain and Poland.

(New Mercedes strategy means EVs coming for AMG, Maybach.)

The German automaker is “investing heavily in transformation,” said research chief chief and Mercedes-Benz COO Markus Schafer. “Our vehicle portfolio becomes electric and thus also our global production network with vehicle and battery factories.

An electric Mercedes EQV van rolls down the assembly line at a plant in Spain.

“We intend to lead in the field of e-mobility and focus in particular on battery technology,” Schafer added. “We are taking a comprehensive approach, ranging from research and development to production, and also including strategic cooperation.”

On top of the products that have already been rolled out, Mercedes announced Monday plans to begun production at a variety of other factories:

  • The EQS, essentially an electrified S-Class and a Tesla Model S competitor, will begin production at Mercedes’ flagship plant in Sindelfingen, Germany, during the first half of 2021;
  • The compact EQA SUV is already being produced in Rastatt, Germany, but a second line in Beijing will be added next year;
  • Another compact SUV, the EQB will become the first Mercedes EQ model to go on sale in the U.S. after production launches in both Kecskemet, Hungary, and Beijing next year;
  • The EQE, the electric alternative to the familiar, midsize Mercedes GLE SUV, will be produced in Bremen, Germany, as well as Beijing starting next year;
  • The production rollout wraps up with the launch of the EQS und EQE SUVs in Tuscaloosa, Alabama starting in 2022, though still other all-electric models will be coming later in the decade.

A Mercedes EQB undergoes winter testing.

Mercedes also plans to build battery systems in Alabama, Germany, Poland and Beijing.

(Mercedes upping stake in Aston Martin, expanding tech ties.)

Long focused on diesel technology to boost its fuel economy and drive down carbon dioxide emissions, Mercedes began shifting direction mid-decade as a series of diesel emissions scandals embroiled it and other European automakers.

“All systems are go. We are investing more than 10 billion euros in the development of our EQ vehicle portfolio alone,” Ola Källenius, who last year became Daimler CEO, previously noted. “We will also be electrifying the entire Mercedes‑Benz portfolio and our customers will thus have the choice of at least one electric alternative in every Mercedes‑Benz model series, taking the total to 50 overall.”

Mercedes’ electrification program isn’t limited to pure battery-powered models. The automaker plans to continue producing plug-in hybrids like its current GLC 350e 4Matic. And it has begun using “mild,” or 48-volt hybrid powertrains in a number of products. But it expects its various plug-based models to yield fully half of the brand’s sales by 2030, company officials have said.

(Daimler teaming up with Volvo parent Geely to build hybrid powertrains.)

That’s on top of the business it expects to generate by supplying partners, such as Aston Martin, with hybrid drivetrain technologies. Parent Daimler AG also launched a new partnership with China’s Geely. The two automakers will develop new plug-based drivetrains for use in a variety of their individual model lines.

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BMW Does a Complete U-Turn on its EV Program

The production version of the i4 Concept will reach the U.S. next year. It will use a shared platform.

A week before unveiling the all-new iNext battery-electric vehicle, BMW said it will “realign” its strategy and begin developing a unique architecture solely for “electric drives,” rather than sharing the same platform for vehicles using both battery and conventional gas and diesel powertrains.

That’s a complete about face for the Bavarian marque which, in recent years, had hoped to save money and simplify manufacturing by coming up with common architectures that could roll off the same line. But it also marks a return to BMW’s original strategy when electrified models like the all-electric i3 city car and plug-in hybrid i8 sports car used unique platforms.

“The aim is to create an overall optimum with the new architecture,” CEO Oliver Zipse said during BMW’s quarterly earnings presentation on Wednesday.

(BMW preps for i4 launch, confirms plans for all-electric 5-Series and X1.)

Over the past decade, the auto industry has gone back and forth on the appropriate approach to developing electrified vehicles, pure battery-electric models, in particular. Some, like the Ford Focus Electric and the Volkswagen e-Golf, shared common platforms with the gas and diesel versions of those vehicles. Others, such as the original BMW i models, as well as the new Ford Mustang Mach-E and VW ID.3, used unique architectures.

BMW says the production iNext should get nearly 400 miles of range per charge.

Each approach had both pluses and minuses. Shared platforms result in design compromises, often limiting the amount of batteries that could be stored on a vehicle – impacting range, among other things. But development costs can be held down, while increasing the flexibility of a company’s assembly lines.

Unique platforms, most adopting a skateboard-style layout with batteries and motors mounted below the load floor, can handle larger packs, increasing range and lowering a vehicle’s center of gravity. But that means additional development costs and the tooling up of plants dedicated solely to EVs.

With an upcoming wave of new products BMW had aimed for a compromise strategy. They use flexible platforms that can squeeze more batteries under the load floor for models like the all-electric i4 fastback due out next year. But there’s space for a conventional internal combustion engine for products such as the next BMW 4-Series.

Now, , “We will realign our vehicle architecture from the middle of the decade,” said Zipse, adding that, “Our new cluster architecture is geared towards electric drives” exclusively.

BMW’s i3 is one of the automaker’s best-selling electric vehicles. It uses a unique, rather than shared, platform.

“Our new plant in Hungary plays a key role here,” said the CEO, noting that production of “the new BEV-centered architecture will start there.”

(BMW and Mercedes suspend joint autonomous vehicle development program.)

The plan is to make the new strategy a high priority, an all-new product development operation reporting directly to Zipse. But it will be able to reach out to all other areas within the company, from engineering to sales and marketing which “gives us more control and makes us much faster,” he explained.

The shared platform strategy had come under intense scrutiny within BMW, noted German magazine Automobilwoche, Over the summer, Manfred Wochs, the head of the BMW Works Council, had warned that it resulted in “too many compromises” that could set BMW back competitively, especially in key markets like the U.S. and China.

BMW is racing to get a leg up in an emerging market segment that currently is dominated by the upstart Tesla – with an assortment of traditional competitors, as well as start-ups like Lucid, Fisker and Rivian, aiming to gain share.

But Zipse insisted that BMW will be ready when its new EVs hit market around 2025. “We anticipate that the demand for fully electric vehicles will continue to increase significantly from 2025 onwards. Exactly then – keyword timing – we will ignite phase III of our transformation.”

(BMW may go for a plug-in hybrid with upcoming X8 M.)

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Tesla CEO Musk Cuts Model S Price — for Second Time This Week

Tesla CEO Elon Musk showed his competitive streak this week, cutting the price of the Model S for the second time in three days.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk must be feeling the pressure to keep up with the Joneses, or in this case Lucid CEO Peter Rawlinson plus the armada of automakers readying new electric vehicles, as he cut the price on the Model S — for the second time this week.

“The gauntlet has been thrown down! The prophecy will be fulfilled. Model S price changes to $69,420,” Musk proclaimed in a tweet Wednesday afternoon. The new price, in addition to reinforcing his love of the number 420, is in response to the price for the base model Lucid Air.

The potential Tesla fighter’s entry-level battery-electric sedan is priced at $77,400; however, it will be eligible for the federal government’s $7,500 EV tax credit, dropping the price to $69,900. The pricing for the four trim levels of the Air were revealed Wednesday morning, and marked the second time Musk’s looked to one-up the current top competitor.

(Lucid fills in some blanks about its $77,400 Tesla Model S fighter.)

For nearly two months, Rawlinson, a former top Tesla executive who left to start Lucid, and his company’s first product have enjoyed the spotlight. The Phoenix-based company’s Air set new standards for range – 517 miles – and performance with a 0-to-60 mph time of just 2.5 seconds. He expanded on that with a video showing the Air racing through the quarter mile in a time of 9.9 seconds, adding it was actually a little faster than that.

The second Model S price cut came after Lucid Motors CEO Peter Rawlinson revealed the price for the base model of the new Air sedan.

If nothing else, Musk is competitive. During the company’s Battery Day event, he revealed the Model S Plaid with a range of 520 miles and a 0-to-60 time of less than 2 seconds and a quarter-mile time of just 9 seconds — with prices starting at $134,490 with orders being taken immediately. Deliveries are expected to begin in “late 2021.”

Lucid’s base model sedan is expected to deliver an EPA-estimated range of 406 miles on a charge. The Tesla Model S logs in with an EPA-rated range of 402 miles per charge.

Earlier this week, Musk cut the price of the Model S by $3,000, or 4%, a move some observers believe designed to prop up sales as a growing list of competitors enters the battery-electric vehicle market.

(Tesla slashes Model S price tag another $3,000.)

The Model S Long Range was set to start at $71,990 in the U.S. after the first price change Tuesday. Tesla announced a similar reduction in China, where last month it also trimmed the price of the Model 3 sedan by 8%, with a base version now starting at $36,805.

Although Lucid seems to be a direct competitor, Tesla is facing a potential onslaught of competitors that have been scrambling to catch up to the California-based EV maker that is currently the segment leader in sales.

Ford, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, Volvo/Polestar, Porsche and General Motors are just some of the established players that have invested billions in recent years into their electric vehicle development plans, some of which already have EVs on the road with more coming in the next 12-24 months. That doesn’t account for startups like Fisker, Rivian and Lordstown set to roll out vehicles starting next spring.

The initial price cut was not only viewed as a hedge against the oncoming horde, but also as a way to perhaps drum up a few more sales to help Tesla meet its 2020 delivery goal of 500,000 vehicles. The company set a record in the third quarter with 139,300 vehicles — a new record. In total, Tesla’s delivered 318,687 vehicles through the first three quarters, meaning the company will need to set another new record of 181,313 vehicles to hit the target, which is about a 30% increase compared with last quarter.

In recent years, Tesla’s sprinted to the finish line each year with the fourth quarter being its strongest. Tesla delivered 112,095 cars compared to the 95,356 and 97,186 in the second and third quarters last year.

(Tesla speaking truth about its power at Battery Day.)

The push to get to 500K would likely require two things: a newfound efficiency increase and some sacrifice on the part of workers.

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